Privacy Policy

We take privacy as seriously as you do - you're here to enjoy our games, not get tracked and spied on. So, we've taken steps to track as little as possible about you.

What do we collect?

We're not interested in collecting any personal information. Your privacy is important to us and we believe such information is yours and yours alone.


We do not collect, store, use, or share any information, personal or otherwise. We do not store or transmit your personal details, nor do we include any advertising or analytics software that communicates with third parties.

Your data will never be used by us for any purpose without your specific permission. Our games do not engage in ad targeting, data mining, or other activities that may compromise your privacy, and we do not affiliate ourselves with any third parties that do so.


If you subscribe to our newsletter to receive emails with updates and news about our games, we use Mailchimp to process and send out the emails. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy policy.

You can unsubscribe from these at any time using the link at the end of any email.


This site respects your privacy and doesn't track you in any way. No third-party cookies are used, and we don't add any of our own.


If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.